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(rules for Trades and Transactions)

The rules below are to help the league opperate smoothly and to keep everyone playing in a fair way..  Too often I join leagues or in my leagues we get guys who like to sit on the server and trade while others dont have that free time..  I watch people aquire players in trade just to package them and ship them off somewhere else to aquire a different player they wanted in the 1st. place..  Those types of things are the reasons u see guys in leagues with all 90's on their teams, or 4 90+CB's and etc..  It wont be tolerated..  

FA Signings

1.  Weeks 1 and 2 of a season FA's will remian FA's till the closing of FA bidding on the night before advance.

2.  U must make a bid on the FA in the forum before u are allowed to sign him (weeks 1 and 2 ONLY), then sign him for the amout u offered him in the forum.

3.   U may not sign your FA untill he has cleared his 5 day waiver period(weeks 1 and 2 ONLY)..  This is to give others that havent been able to get their game in yet time to make a bid on the FA being bid on..

4.  A team may not sign more that 3 FA's / week..  (NOTE FOR WEEK 1 and 2) .. If u DO win a bid on more than one FA, u may only sign 3 of them , even though u may have won bids more than 3 FA's, u may only sign the 3 most important ones u want..  The team who was 2nd on the bid, will be able to sign those FA(s) that u could not sign , and etc etc etc..

5.  U may NOT release any players after week 17's games are played untill after the Super Bowl..  This is to keep teams that arent making playoff from cutting players for playoff teams to pick up before the playoffs.  After the Super Bowl, u may cut or release whoever u want..  Sorry for the rukle, but it is necessary..


(week 7 Trade deadline will be in effect)

1.  Once a player is traded to a team, he must remain on that team for the remainder of the season unless u decide to release him.  Meaning a player may only be traded one time/ season..  The only exception to this rule is if u are having a losing season after mid season, and not able to make the playoffs, u may trade him for pics ot simply to make cap room..   I am just not wanting to see guys aquired through trade, then traded away the week after in a package deal..  This to me is not very realistic and unfair to those who dont have as much time to sit in the server or discuss trades..  I understand that this is just a game, but rules like this must be enforced for everyone to be able to enjoy the franchise, remember, there are 31 members, and we want them all to be happy..

2.  U may not aquire a player from a trade then trade him off to another team.  If u did not want this player, u should not have traded for him in the 1st. place..  There is a very important reason for this rule, so I dont want to u all complaining about it, the rule is to benefit the league and to keep it running..  Exception above in rule 1.

3.  No more than 5 trades/ team will be allowed in a season..  This does not include end of season trades (u may trade as u wish after the season and  before the resigning period, but rule #1 still applies)..

4. All trades must be posted in forum for a 24 hr. approval before he or she may complete the transaction, i WILL reverse your trade if u abuse this rule..

This site or myself am not affiliated with Jim Rome or the Network, I am just a fan..