Offseason Schedule and Policies
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PLAYER PROGRESSION     U will have 48 hrs to look at your player progression..  Make sure u copy it or take notes..   U will not be able to see the progression once I advance to Re-sign and trade period..

RE-SIGN / TRADE PERIOD     I am going to give u all 48 hrs to complete all the trades that were made in the forum previous to this point..  Those trades not completed will be completed by me if they were approved on the forum..   Make sure u resign your players.. If not they will become FA's and I dont want to hear it if that happens.. 48 hrs is plenty of time to get on the server and resign.. IF u are out of town, leave me a post in the forum..

45 DAY FA SIGNING     I will advance 1 day every 24 hrs untill day 4 is reached.. On day 4, if people are still bidding I will leave it up for 1 more night for u guys to bid away..   On day 5 at  12 am i will end the FA signing period..  

FREE AGENT DRAFT   Well sorry to say, EA doesnt make very good rookies..  Anyhow, on the 1st Friday after the Super Bowl is played..  At 10:30 PM EST of that night will be the FREE AGENT DRAFT..   U will have 2 mins to make your picks unless I xcan change it, I think i set it for 2 mins for some reason..    If u cant make it, let me know please so I can set your team to CPU draft sowe all dont have to wait for your pick..  

FA and ROOKIE SIGNING PERIOD     U all will have 48 hrs to sign your FA's and rookies..

PRESEASON     After all players are signed I will move all teams to a roster and set up a preseason schedule.. U will play 2 game in a 7 day period and report your scores to the forum where I will post a messege for u to rep[ly your scores to..

SEASON II     Season II will begin imediately after Preseason..