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The Jungle 2002

     The Jungle was formed by myself in December of 2000..   I have been a fan and player of John Madden Football since 1988 when i played the game for the 1st time ..  I then started to buy the game each year for the Sega, and then for the Super Nintendo and then on to the Playstation..    In 1999 a friend at work had told me about  the game on the computer is which he was able to play people over the internet..  I was like 'no way' can u play a game like madden over the internet..   Soon enough, i went out and got the game..  Although i had a terrible 28k connection at the time and a slow 166mhz computer, i was still able to manage to play a few hundred online games and stayedn ranked in the top 2000 in my 1st year playing Madden online..

     Soon after i started playing I joined my 1st online league in 99' and im sorry to say i cant remember the name of the league i was in..  It wasnt a league like we have now, it was totally web based..  Madden hadnt added the online franchise feature at that time, meaning the commishioner had to take care of everything, scores standings, the works...  Needless to say, the league didnt run all that well, and the games were terrible with freezing and bad connections..  It was still the neatest thing I had ever done on the internet..

     In August of 2000 when Madden 2000 was released  I had to go buy a new PC to keep up with the requirements of Maddens new game graffics and features..   In that time i had developed a reputation for being a str8 realistic player, and made a few friends in the EA lobby..  In November of that year I was introduced to Cable connection.. :)  I never looked back from there..

     In January of 2001 I was interested in joining an online league.. There were a few forming at the time, so I picked one and joined it..  It crashed before we got started..  SO I decided to start my own league just out of curiosity..  I gathered all 31 owners that evening, then I hit advance with everyone online an it crashed us just as the 1st league I joined..  The 2nd time I went offline to advance, and then the Jungle was formed, it took 2 tries to get us off to a good start, everyone was new to the whole online franchise thing, and it was difficult to get the league up for the 1st time without it crashing..  After we got started the league really took off, we had a great crew of owners including many of them from the current league we have today..  Wreckingcrew, ultra_defense, buckeyeout4blood, daunte13, jpa742001, mike_0_, and mr_woop_ass_2k1 were all members of the original Jungle and I respect them all as Madden players..   

     The league went really well untill we got to week 14, and in that week we all discovered the 1st EA franchise file corruption.. In that moment, the league i worked so hard to get running was over all in an instant..  I had a backup but I had backed it up while it was corrupt I think because the backup wouldnt load either..  It was very hard for me to deal with as I spent hrs upon hrs to keep the league going..  EA never replied to me after sending them quite a few emails about the matter..

      I then decided to start the league over, in which we went for a few weeks and it kept crashing again to where it wouldnt let people rejoin their teams, andother EA bug at the time..  Thats when i decided to end the 31 team franchise for 2001..    

     I proceded in April of 2001 with a 18 team NCAA league..  Uwillgetmocked won the National Title in June of 2001 with the Perdue Boilermakers over the Michigan Wolverines (Mike_0_) and was the 1st Romesleague Champion..  After that I as set on being a commish when the 2002 version of Madden was released and spent hrs and hrs preparing for the day..

     Now the Jungle is back, and stronger than ever..  We have a great solid group of owners currently and I cant wait to find out who the next Champion will be..  Will it be U?